User Profile

Triple H Ranch

Triple H Ranch is located in a beautiful valley in the south west corner of Wisconsin, Growing up on a poultry farm, as twin brothers we grew up on the farm riding our ponies together wherever we were allowed to, and it built a passion for horses and the industry, Growing up in our teens we started training horses for clients in the evenings since we helped Dad with construction and took care of his lawn care business as well . In the 2016 we bought our first group of weanling colts to begin our program of starting our own colts to build a good foundation, In 2018 we started working only part time Construction and started taking care of Dads poultry farms so we can start part time on our horse business. From there with the help of Dad we started to build a horse facility so we had more stalls and a small indoor so we could ride year around. In 2020 we bought the poultry farm with the facility. Here at Triple H 90% of the horses we sell have been raised on the ranch since they were babies. Our passion and drive to better ourselves as well as helping others have the best relationship they can have with their horse and to help you get connected with your forever horse.
  • PHONE NUMBER: 6087391405

Triple H Ranch Listings

Consignors may continue to update and edit listings up until day of sale. Please check back often for updates. The accuracy of each listing is the sole responsibility of that horse's consignor. All listings are true and accurate to the best knowledge of the staff, owners, and representatives of Horse Sale Management and Belles in Boots Productions, LLC {BinB}. BinB accepts no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions.
© 2025, Horse Sale Management by Belles in Boots Productions, LLC